Thursday, December 29, 2011


It's like we have fallen out of love en masse. We have lost our ability to love and our capacity to appreciate what's truly beautiful. Since when have we all become these soulless children of the wannabe masses? Nobody knows. We simply imitate. We imitate in relationships, we imitate in love, we imitate in fashion. We miserably sigh for true romance in our lives, each one of us, either married or single, young or old, man or woman. We are not true to ourselves, let alone each other. We are freaking lonely. And we very well deserve it.
The 2000s has tricked us into believing that we have freedom, yet sadly what we all have turned into is nothing but slaves... Slaves of technology, slaves of money, slaves of sex, slaves of religion, slaves of mass production. A whole mess of poor quality love, poor quality food, poor quality clothes, all comes with the territory. And we just get used to it. It's no big deal for us because we think we are lucky, we have the widest range of alternatives and if one doesn't work out for us we can always easily jump at another. It's all out there to consume anyway. The delusion that "we can choose" is carrying us away through its sweet darkness, so we don't care if something or somebody genuinely fits or suits us or is right for us or even means anything to us.
We keep deceiving and being deceived. And the funny thing is we don't even get disappointed anymore, which makes it inevitable to come to believe that emotional disappointment is a virtue, because its prerequisite is good old "faith". If someone doesn't put faith in something, which is the case most of the time nowadays, then they have neither a right nor a need to get disappointed about it. They don't even have the time for it. After all, they have to be quick. There is no time for such bullshit. Quickly fall in love, quickly dress, quickly fall out of love, quickly undress and go on and on. Keep making love merely to cover the need and keep getting dressed merely to cover the body.
What happened to true love? What happened to candle lit dinners? What happened to silk morning gowns? Who took all the rose petals from the bed? Where have all the stylish, chic, well-groomed ladies and gentlemen gone? Why have we become so tasteless individuals? Elegant, untouchable, romantic sexiness is like a long lost friend now. Women walk around like caricatures, whether in the streets or at home or in Hollywood movies. Women have forgotten how to adorn themselves or fancy up for their men. A woman should be a feast for the eyes. She should have the seductive confidence of a Burlesque star and yet have herself respected. She should have the luscious red lips of Marilyn Monroe and yet be prudent with when and whom she kisses with those lips.   
We need to remember how to be a woman first to be treated like one. Otherwise we will never be happy. We already killed almost everything that has some sort of romantic value or respectable meaning. We are the murderers of true romance. May it rest in peace...


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Saint Vintage

   So why do you think this almighty word “Vintage” has become so prevailing during recent years as if it cast a spell on us all and we constantly come across its sweet blessed face everywhere we turn to along the higways and the byways of the world of fashion? 
   That’s simply because we have lost our souls somewhere down the road and we have no cure other than going back... Going back to those times when fashion actually cherished and honored woman... Back then, in 60’s or 50’s for instance or in 70’s, fashion used to be done with a little bit of grace and and a little bit of style, if all else failed. It had character, which we all silently and unfortunately crave for nowadays while trying hard to find our ways through the self-replicating alternatives that are proudly presented by copy cat minds. 
   What they managed to accomplish decades ago even with much less help from technology was so astonishingly creative, chic and classy that no wonder modern woman has now a deep dissatisfied longing for the ladylike elegance that they had to offer sophisticatedly and in abundance at that. 
   Whereas today, it is hardly possible for a woman to find even a proper dress that has a "waist" for heaven's sake, amongst all those arbitrarily gathered too-short-to-be-a-dress and too-long-to-be-a-blouse pieces of fabrics hanging on stands, hanging on our bodies. As a matter of fact, we have forgotten where our waists or sleeve holes really are, conveniently enough, that we have gotten accustomed to the sloppiness that is marketed on the excuse of comfort. However in the good old days, what they called fashion was meant to glorify the beauty of the female figure. A woman used to have a right to dress herself up femininely and sexily, which would only be considered as "too fancy" or "overdressed" now. 
   Laces, velvets, silks, satins, sequins, furs, sparkling stones, deep slits... for all I know, all that glitter and glamour and allure has become a privilege peculiar to Hollywood by now and ordinary woman is so busy worrying and wondering about the question "Is it too much?" that she only occasionally gets to spoil herself with something of an unleashed womanly enthusiasm and appeal, maybe for a distant relative's wedding ceremony, if she's lucky enough. We simply need an alibi to hide behind just to be able to freely beautify ourselves according to our hearts' desire.
   We yearn for the past and we clumsily call it vintage fashion instead of freeing ourselves to create and as importantly consume what is unique, precious and more elaborated. We settle for less. We are in a hurry trying to catch up with a zillion different collections for a zillion different seasons such as pre-fall, pre-spring, next summer; so much so that I wouldn't be surprised if we heard soon about mid-shower or after-breakfast seasons in fashion industry. I wish we had kept things simpler and spent more time on trying to produce well-designed, well-thought outfits that are inspiring. 
   How many colors has Mother Nature given us and how many of them do we have an appreciation of? How many of them are we able to reproduce and set in fabric in such harmony as we see in vintage clothes? Colors have somehow become rare treasures that are very hard to find. Patterns printed on fabrics have no spirit, they are banal and cheesy, they are just made of some randomly scattered messy stains. Even high heel shoes are only a shadow of their former selves now, they have no gracefulnes that would make a woman’s legs look beautiful, because they mostly seem like huge battle axes or wheel chocks or some artificial, bionic limb kind of freaky stuff making walking even harder.
   Over the years, fashion products have lost their quality as well as their souls. It is almost a miracle that one can find a dress or a trench coat or a pair of shoes or any other ready-to-wear pieces that they like and that would last more than one season. I guess the longevity of the products too is adjusted based on the speediness, tansitivity and temporariness of the wide range of “seasons”. Well now, fashion sector could be categorized as a sub-branch of Fast Moving Consumer Products sector all right.
   That’s why the timeless beauty and as-good-as-new condition of a blouse or a coat or the shoes handed down from our mothers and grandmothers to us keep leaving us stunned and amazed and make us pray 'long live Saint Vintage'... 
